For the month of June...a Father's Day Story
By Erinn:
Since Father’s Day having just passed, I thought it would be
appropriate to tell you all about my father’s father’s father’s father’s father. Many
people ask why we chose to move to Nicaragua, and yes, the opportunity arose for us
to serve in Nica, where there is definite need. But, there is more to the
Abraham Tefel was my great, great, great grandfather. He
was Jewish, lived in Germany, and was married to Mary. Abraham and Mary had several children,
including Teodoro, Marcus, and Nathan. Well, all three boys moved from Germany to
Nicaragua in 1800s. Of the young Tefel men, Teodoro came to establish the most influence in Nicaragua. His name can be found in in a number of records as a successful property owner and businessman. Teodoro eventually married, and chose a bride who was also Jewish and from
Germany, while the other brothers traveled to New York to find wives. (I believe they
went to NY to also find good Jewish wives). Marcus and Nathan married Carolina and
Amelia, respectively.
The three couples all lived in Nicaragua. Marcus and Carolina, or Lena as she was called, had many children.
One son was the Nicaraguan-born Ernesto. Ernesto, apparently, was quite the lady's man - his love life is legendary in our
family. It is rumored that when he fell in love with a young Puerto Rican beauty, his
German, Jewish family did not approve, and threatened to disinherit him if
he married her. He was so forlorn with this conflict that he attempted suicide. Through the shock and sadness of all this, the family agreed to allow the
marriage...but then they disinherited him anyway.
So, he moved to Puerto Rico with the love of his life, and had a
few children, including Alberto. Then they moved to New York where they had a few more. They all lived there together, along with servants and a few
“lodgers” as the records called them.
Ernesto's son, Alberto, grew up and fell in love with a
Venezuelan named Alicia Guevara. They had five children including my father Anthony.
Abraham… Marcus… Ernest… Albert… Tony… Happy Father’s Day (Belated)!!